TOP 10 avg. time01:06.3261
Global avg. time2
No. records3
Used carsTime | User | Car | Car fuel | Lap | Race position | Created at |
01:01.6469 | bluemanos |
5.77% | 4 | 2 | 2024-05-27 20:10:16 |
01:08.9527 | Snifflygrunt65 |
100.00% | 5 | 2 | 2024-06-12 17:36:40 |
Remember! Lap time are only recording during a race!
This means that if you only set up a race for one lap, your best lap time will not be recorded - because once you complete the lap, the race ends.
Also if you set a race for more laps and push yourself at the last lap, then again - it will not be recorded.